Offering Effiji Breathwork to pregnant women was something that found me. It didn’t naturally occur to me that this practice would make sense for women as they prepare for the birth of their child. But the more I do it… the more it makes TOTAL sense. During pregnancy, the body is in the natural process of opening up. The breathwork supports and helps with the visceral experience of letting go and surrendering to the wildness of the natural process of pregnancy and child birth.

The connection was made.

In this conversation, you’ll hear my dear friend, Stephanie Riley, and I break down the event that started this whole thing. 

Stephanie asked me if I’d do some Effiji Breath sessions with her during her pregnancy and she invited me to come and breathe with she and her husband when she went into labor. 

I’m one of those people that lives by the motto the weirder the better, so I was an immediate yes! to this experiment. 

What happened was not what any of us expected: 

The birth of their child in the most ecstatic, healing, and extraordinary way.

Listen up!

Enjoy two(!) Conversations about the effects and power of Effiji Breathwork as a safe and viable practice for pregnancy. 

'Is Breathwork Safe in Pregnancy? Hell Yes it is'

March 8, 2022

'On Breathwork'

June 2022

Whether you are in preparation for natural childbirth or a traditional hospital experience, you can prepare your body and your baby for an easy labor and birth.

As a support person to pregnant women, it goes without saying that you need to understand the altered state. Effiji Breathwork gives you the opportunity to have this experience and connect with those you serve.

You can also use Effiji as a tool for your clients as they prepare for child birth.

Getting pregnant can be a complex process. You can do all the tests, eat all the right foods, have the healthiest of lifestyles… and still struggle. Effiji Breathwork is a technique to crack that next layer of blocks that may be holding your body back from fully working for you. 

No matter where you are on your fertility journey, Effiji Breathwork can be a powerful tool to help your body function more optimally.

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